Thursday 22 August 2013

Meet Team Creative - Luke Barlow

Luke Barlow - affectionately known as 'tt' and therefore the 't' in our creative shoot last year is Creative's Group Beverage Procurement Manager.  He is renowned for his perplexing spreadsheets and of course very popular when the wine tastings come around!

Name...  Luke Barlow
Job Title... Group Beverage Procurement Manager
Venue... Central
Favourite Drink... Good red wine
Favourite Meal... Argentinian asado

I started working for Creative... 
Well my first ever shift was as a bartender in November 2000 at the Newbury Gold Cup.  I worked on a casual basis all through university. Then in 2005, after a year out following my degree, I joined the company full time just as we were beginning our contracts at Earls Court and Olympia Exhibition Centres. 

In a nutshell my role is... 
Deciding what drinks we stock across the business, where we buy them from, how much we pay for them and what we sell them for.  During the summer months a large amount of my time is spent planning the stock logistics of our outdoor festivals and events and managing the relationships between drinks sponsors, Creativevents and the event organisers. 

On an average day...  
It depends what time of year it is.  In the summer it could involve sourcing an ale supplier local to the boutique festival we are working at, or booking eight tankers full of lager for a heavy metal concert.  In the winter it could involve meeting a potential new drink sponsor, reconciling monthly accounts or developing the company wine list.

My most rewarding moment...  
Successfully managing the liquor planning and operation of the Big Chill festival.  The event had 17 different bars most of which were offering completely bespoke drinks menus which meant it was far more challenging than any other festival we had worked at.

My most challenging moment...  
The summer of 2012.  Making sure my areas of responsibility for our regular business continued to run smoothly whilst basing myself at the Olympics to control the drink stock levels of two London venues.

I can't be doing with... 
People who moan and complain without doing anything to change what they have a problem with.

I couldn’t cope without... 
My ipod when I am concentrating on figures.

Best piece of advice...  
It is not the mistakes you make but what you do to put them right.  Always have a contingency plan.